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Thanks for dropping by and welcome to my photo-site!

On this website I want to share some of my photos and, sometimes, add some text to the pictures presented. I believe that I am a type of reportage photographer. I want to show what I have seen and I try to avoid software to increase the picture taken.

Photography has always been a little bit more than a hobby to me. My first photo reportage was published in
Flensborg Avis (Germany), the newspaper of the Danish minority in Germany, in 1986(click here). And during high school, I often spent hours and hours in the dark room in order to be able to bring new pictures to the newspaper in Flensburg next morning.

On the other hand, I actually never really got serious into photography. I managed to take some nice pictures, but I never really cared a lot about them. During my time at the university, I hardly took pictures and it was first with the birth of our daughter that the camera again became a daily friend. Three years ago, I sold most of my analogue cameras and up-graded to a full frame camera. Welcome to a new digital world! However, I kept one analogue camera – and I enjoy taking pictures with that particular camera more and more. I actually ended up buying myself a basic film-development-kit.

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me.



© 2018 Sten Harck